Kathy Tynan 'Spring Painter', 2024
‘Meantime’ is a collection of paintings by Kathy Tynan made over the past two years.
Opening Thursday 8th August | Reception from 6pm
The title is partly borrowed from the 1983 film of the same name by Tynan’s favourite director, Mike Leigh. It’s also a reflection on a question posed last winter by Tynan’s then three-year-old son, Frank. Waiting for friends to arrive at a holiday cottage in Wexford, while his mother stacked firelogs and patted radiators to see if the heating was coming on, Frank asked: Is it the meantime?
The scenes depicted in this exhibition take place in the meantime. Time passes slowly in these paintings. While far more significant events take place in the wider world, for the artist, a child grows and a terrier ages within a familiar landscape.’
Extract from a commissioned text written by Ingrid Lyons to accompany the exhibition.