EXHIBITION: Fergus Martin – Smoke

16th May 2024 @ 12:00am – Exhibition

EXHIBITION: Fergus Martin – Smoke

Smoke is Fergus Martin’s first solo exhibition since his 2016 Marine, submarine, the sky, the earth solo show.  The titles hint at a different time with a different attitude and vision.


16th May 2024
—28th June 2024

Smoke feels different in many ways. Here Martin uses series or quadriptychs for the first time. The paintings relate to and affect each other in dynamic and necessary ways.  The viewer’s eye is forced to criss-cross and to go back and forth from one angled panel to the next. In these shaped paintings, forms roll and rotate in unexpected and unpredictable ways allowing the viewer to relish the constant play and movement. The artist describes the paintings as being in control. 

In another series, War, the painted white corners are confused with the white of the wall and tug at your grasp of the paintings, their revolutions and their changing dynamics as you move to see and to encounter all four panels.