Nevan Lahart, 'Tiredness Kills', 2024. 'Lazy Luddite Lapped by LARPers'. Courtesy of the artist.
Kevin Kavanagh
Lazy Luddite Lapped by LARPers is an exhibition with new work by Irish contemporary artist Nevan Lahart, incorporating sculpture, painting and mixed media work. The show opens on Thursday 16 October and runs until Saturday 16 November 2024.
Slow-Mo car crash Aesthetic. A show in different parts, Rehung on a regular basis. Nevan Lahart’s expansive body of works stretch every type of media and dimension. They commandeer everyday materials with an intuitive sensibility and clever juxtaposition of source narratives. On the face of it, Lahart’s confrontational installations appear political, satirical, and wild – laced with humorous commentary on current and historical affairs. However, these complex edifices, with meticulous attention to the imperfect, serve to reveal the profound tenderness of humanity, the terror of our times, and the complexity of truth.
Irish artist Nevan Lahart attended Limerick School of Art and Design and the National College of Art and Design. Lahart’s practice considers the role of media, social and political perceptions, and the Museum as purveyor of artistic merit and classification. Lahart has exhibited extensively, including solo exhibitions at Temple Bar Gallery and Studios, Dublin; Steve Turner Contemporary, Los Angeles; and Catalyst Arts, Belfast.
Kevin Kavanagh Dublin, Chancery Lane, Dublin 8, Ireland
Selected exhibitions include TURBO GLOBAL – An Irish Tale, Schloss Britz, Berlin (2024) The Art of Sport, Butler Gallery (2023); The Narrow Gate of the Here-and-Now, Chapter 2: The Anthropocene’, Irish Museum of Modern Art (2021); Avoiding the collapse into a series of major -isms. Selections of European art, Tuscon Museum of Art (2020); P is for Portrait, The Art House Worcester in association with Division of Labour (2019); Requiem for the FutureTense, WIELS Art Book Fair, Brussels, in association with KRIEG (2018); Disguise the Limit, Kevin Kavanagh, Dublin (2018); Liberty Party Shop, Hasslet (2017), Vacuum Packed Vacation, SCHARFSTELLAN2, Rotor, Graz (2017); The way things go: A Homage, Butler Gallery, Kilkenny (2017); Serf-Vice Paintings, Art Brussels, Kevin Kavanagh Gallery, Dublin (2015); To Have and Have Not, HALLE 14 Leipzig, Germany (2013); 2013 Play, Gothenburg Biennial 2013, Sweden (2013); Won-Nil, Temple Bar Gallery, Dublin (2012); HD Softcore, Steve Turner Contemporary, Los Angeles (2011); Genuine Irish Mug, Catalyst Arts, Belfast, UK (2010); A Colonial Subject in Washington DC, Solus Nua, Washington DC (2010).